The Hive has found a new home. Last week, the local nonprofit youth organization announced it will be moving into a new ...
Pay attention, act and be grateful that even if the house is on fire, together we can try to save it from burning to the ground.
Some undoubtedly will argue that the whole matter is water under the bridge now that the City has decided to absorb VD. That misses the point. The lodger’s tax is the public’s money, and it was ...
After 16 years as chief executive officer at Purgatory Resort, resort officials announced today that Gary Derck is leaving Purgatory to focus on his new real estate and consulting company, ...
The crack team of groomers at Hillcrest getting on last week's snowstorm to provide a few precious and glorious, if not a bit crusty and soggy, days of skinny skiing for the hungry masses. The Durango ...
Too much emphasis has been about a worldwide war that could easily come about, even though the two wars under the Biden presidency should be a constant reminder how urgent it is today and tomorrow to ...
The LPEA Board elections have turned into a dirty mess of special interests led by one-sided personal agendas. It started last year when some candidates obtained board seats and then began pushing to ...
In regard to the upcoming primary election for La Plata County Treasurer, I would like to make the important distinction between speaking “negatively” of an elected official versus holding one ...
The Fix Our Forests Act (HR 471) if passed will not fight wildfires or fix our forests despite the cheery title of this dangerous act. The act prioritizes logging interests over proven community ...
As a local business owner and nonprofit volunteer, I ask you to consider voting “Yes” for the lodger’s tax. One of the goals of the tax is to help reestablish city funding for our beloved cultural ...