The MSc Business Analytics and Consultancy with Advanced Practice will provide you with the applied experience and decision skills you need to develop and excel as an effective leader and manager of ...
Visiting students can select up to a maximum of 4 courses per semester on the same campus, subject to timetabling and any pre-requisite experience. Each course is worth approximately 3.75 US credits.
Find out how to apply More on this subject Share Chemical engineering is about transforming raw materials into valuable and desirable products, creating durable products and services, and producing ...
We could not exercise our responsibilities and fulfil our education, training and support obligations to you without collecting, holding and using your personal data. This guide explains what we do ...
Find out how to apply More on this subject Share Data science is the core of the modern data analytics and engineering revolution, turning data into intelligence and information for decision-making ...
The School of Textiles and Design is a centre of excellence in design, bringing together talented students from across the globe to study collaboratively in Fashion, Design and Textiles. Find out more ...
Our innovative international MSc Sign Language Interpreting (EUMASLI) programme is intended to contribute to the development of the professional field of interpreting between deaf and hearing people ...
Our Psychology degrees equip you with an understanding of human behaviour and the skills to apply your knowledge to an inclusive and productive society. Psychology is the scientific study of the ...
Enjoy the unique opportunity to explore new technology with our student equipment fund. Our prestigious programme, the accredited BSc (Hons) Computer Science, is intricately designed with insights ...
Find out how to apply More on this subject Share MSc Real Estate allows you to understand the operation of real estate markets and gain experience of the techniques applied in them. During the ...