Make Connections. Build Your Network. Network, share resources, and join the conversation with IFT’s online groups and in-person opportunities. Receive professional guidance with eMentor. Discover ...
Americans consumed a record number of dairy products in 2023, signaling that there’s room for both traditional products and innovative offerings within the sector.
Since 1985, the Institute of Food Technologists Student Association (IFTSA) College Bowl Competition has tested the knowledge of student teams from across the United States in the following areas: ...
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Join this webinar to learn about the University of Copenhagen's new two-year initiative that aims to build consensus in the global science community around updating Nova classification to consider the ...
Providing a growing global population with access to affordable, safe, and nutritious food for a healthy diet while maintaining the health of our planet will require transformational changes in the ...
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The IFTSA Smart Snacks for Kids Competition challenges students to develop a fun and nutritious food or beverage product targeted at kids and/or teens. Products must abide by the USDA “Guide to Smart ...
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View IFT's comments emphasizing the role and importance of food scientist(s) and technologist(s) on the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee. Learn how IFT is advocating for the science of foodand ...