Make Connections. Build Your Network. Network, share resources, and join the conversation with IFT’s online groups and in-person opportunities. Receive professional guidance with eMentor. Discover ...
Get a taste of the exceptional research shared each month. Published since 1936, the Journal of Food Science (JFS) brings peer-reviewed, original research reports and critical reviews from researchers ...
Americans consumed a record number of dairy products in 2023, signaling that there’s room for both traditional products and innovative offerings within the sector.
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IFT’s journals are a great way to share your research with the science of food community.
NEW! Explore a virtual experience “From Milk to Ice Cream and the (Food) Science behind It” by taking a journey through real facilities of ice cream production.
Since 1985, the Institute of Food Technologists Student Association (IFTSA) College Bowl Competition has tested the knowledge of student teams from across the United States in the following areas: ...
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A full, on-screen magazine experience! The digital edition is a fully designed replica of our print magazine, optimized with live links and other interactive features: ...