Process to adopt a child internationally and bring them back to Canada.
The Embassy of Canada accredited to Guinea is pleased to launch its annual call for proposals for the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI). The CFLI is a program designed to support small-scale, ...
The High Commission of Canada accredited to The Gambia is pleased to launch its annual call for proposals for the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI). The CFLI is a program designed to support ...
We thank you for your interest. The deadline for submitting a proposal has now passed. The Embassy of Canada accredited to Guinea-Bissau is pleased to launch its annual call for proposals for the ...
Services for Canadians if you're visiting, studying, working or doing business in Mongolia. Includes information about coming to Canada.
Services for Canadians if you're visiting, studying, working or doing business in Russia. Includes information about coming to Canada.
Services for Canadians if you're visiting, studying, working or doing business in Austria. Includes information about coming to Canada.
Services aux Canadiens qui étudient ou travaillent en Bosnie-Herzégovine, qui y font des affaires ou du tourisme. Inclut également de l’information pour les personnes qui souhaitent venir au Canada.
Services for Canadians if you're visiting, studying, working or doing business in Indonesia. Includes information about coming to Canada.
Services for Canadians if you're visiting, studying, working or doing business in Mali. Includes information about coming to Canada.
GBA Plus of negotiations and the final agreed text of trade agreements, consultations, what we heard reports.