Two of the most important musicians to audiophiles have died recently. Our obituary today is not going to cover the same material as everywhere else because these two giants of the world of music have ...
Your Old Scribe has been tinkering about with audio in various contexts for half a century. Trends have come and trends have gone in that time. Some, like the vinyl LP, have gone and come back all ...
In the earliest days of CD players, being new technology, all sorts of ideas were put forward in the cause of better sound quality. One such idea was that the illuminated track indicator display was ...
Cosa sia lo striptease lo sappiamo tutti: unione delle parole strip (levare) e tease (provocare), indica uno spettacolo nel quale una persona si denuda lentamente un capo per volta davanti a un ...
torno a scriverle per avere delle informazioni su alcuni giradischi che ho notato e proposti da alcuni marchi, famosi o meno, intorno alle 200 euro completi di tutto. Ascolto musica in cd di cui ho ...