Washington and Lee affirms that varied perspectives and backgrounds enhance our community. We are committed to the recruitment, enrichment, and retention of students, faculty, and staff who embody ...
W&L’s estimated cost of attendance below is a starting point for determining your actual cost to attend W&L. We meet 100% of every admitted student’s demonstrated financial need through grants, ...
Chemistry and Biochemistry students develop an understanding of chemistry and are encouraged to continue the pursuit of a deeper or broader understanding of the disciplines. Faculty are committed to ...
Students reside in theme houses for the purpose of bonding around a common theme and sharing their enthusiasm with the campus community. Each house, its theme and amenities are unique. There is a ...
Our campus is home to an authentic Japanese Tea Room. This piece of art is open for viewing, as well as public tea demonstrations throughout the year. This architectural treasure was built on campus ...
W&L’s estimated cost of attendance is only a starting point for determining what your actual cost to attend W&L. Every year, W&L awards more than $60 million in need-based financial aid through grants ...
The Law, Justice and Society program brings together the Law School, Williams School and College in a curricular concept unlike what any other liberal arts college can offer. The program focuses on ...
Journalism and communications students benefit from a liberal arts education provided through a professional prism. By offering students the best of both, we teach them to think critically, ...
The Department of Philosophy engages students with fundamental questions of existence, knowledge, and value, to encourage students to examine critically a variety of beliefs, attitudes, and social ...
Founded in 1749 as Augusta Academy in Augusta County, Virginia, Washington and Lee University is the ninth-oldest college in the United States. Over the course of its history, the institution has been ...
In accord with the University’s charter, bylaws, mission statement, and other institutional plans, the Board of Trustees of Washington and Lee University serves as ultimate fiduciary by its oversight ...
Rekindle the wonder of discovery and the goodwill that naturally comes with it ...