Parmenides’ thoughts on the nature of Being painted the nature of reality as monistic and unchanging, derived from the axiom ...
This course approaches Socrates first and foremost through what we know of his first-generation followers, the Socratics. In doing so, it aims to glimpse the person of Socrates through his most ...
Nietzsche’s ideas concerning the eternal recurrence (or eternal return) were far from unique. But his own interpretation of ...
He tried again in 1960, and once more called the trip off. Visiting the homeland of the oracular pre-Socratics and the only truly ‘philosophical’ language apart from German was too much of a risk.
I was a PhD student in the Philosophy Department from 2004-2010. After nine years of exile in the Northeast, I returned home in 2019 as Associate Professor of Philosophy and, beginning 2022, as chair ...
Laurea, University of Torino (Italy); MA, Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University Benso, Silvia and Antonio Calcagno, edts. Open Borders: Encounters between Italian ...