18 小时
商业新知 on MSN大型团热潮卷土重来,K-Pop的又一“救命稻草”?再者,走量不走质、练习生培训快餐化上岗、后期出道养成等大型团的普遍现象,也在一定程度上为其运营带来风险因素。比如NCT成员文泰一性侵、黄旭熙(Lucas)睡粉出轨等负面,便为这支大型团的商业形象、IP价值带来了负面影响。简而言之,便是个体可能损害整个 ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
Brace yourself for a masterful performance from THE ARISTOCRATS, featuring world-renowned musicians Guthrie Govan on guitar, ...
Founded and directed by the world-renowned dancer and choreographer Matias Jaime, MALEVO Dance Company brings a fresh, dynamic approach to traditional South American dance. Combining elements of tradi ...
14 小时
什么值得买 on MSN迎春养眼绿,华硕Z890吹雪+影驰5080金属大师装机分享5080和5070Ti铺货了,口碑上有争议,但是DLSS 4的加持以及多帧生成功能确实还是亮点的,AI算力的加强也属于应时代的改变。今天带来一套基于 ...
All three key indicators, namely the PMI for both the manufacturing sector and non-manufacturing sector, as well as the composite PMI, stood in expansion territory in February in China, reflecting ...
2 月 27 日,匡威和 Tyler, The Creator 创立品牌 GOLF WANG 的全新联名系列 One Star CC Pro Slip 正式发售。这是双方首次围绕一脚蹬版本的滑板鞋展开合作,它的鞋面设计灵感来自草地,鞋面使用双色麂皮模拟草坪的质感,整体是比较简约但又有趣味性的设计。