点击上方“蓝字微信名”可以订阅哦!初见瑶瑶(化名)是在两年前,13岁的她戴着帽子、口罩,把自己包裹得严严实实,蜷缩在轮椅里,眼神里流露出拒人千里外的淡漠。推着轮椅的妈妈脸上写满了焦虑、无助和无奈,“大夫,您快帮我们看看,孩子血压特别高,前不久颅内大出 ...
Vasculitis is an autoimmune disorder that causes inflammation of the blood vessels. It can affect arteries, veins, and capillaries. This condition causes blood vessel walls to swell, which restricts ...
New yokozuna Hoshoryu admits feeling trepidation after seeing his name on top of the official rankings for the first time ...
Makuuchi division rankings for the March 9-23 Spring Grand Sumo Tournament at Edion Arena Osaka, released Tuesday by the ...
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From Japanese craft beer and sake to premium Wagyu beef and artisanal cheese, the Nasu Highlands in Japan has it all.