一种新近出现的高传染性真菌——毛癣菌(T. indotineae)在全球蔓延。现在,新西兰境内检测出了少量病例。专家已向全国的全科医生发出预警。此前,新西兰境内足癣或甲癣患者感染的菌种多为T. rubrum,而如今一个传染性更高且有抗药性的菌种T.
The cream is formulated with terbinafine hydrochloride 1%, an antifungal ingredient that cures most jock itch in one week.
[3] Although griseofulvin remains the recommended therapy, terbinafine, itraconazole [4] and fluconazole [5] have been reported to show efficacy in the treatment of tinea capitis in children.
A new strain of drug-resistant fungus that causes ringworm has been found in New Zealand and scientists are warning doctors ...
The company aims to soon launch two tests to aid the treatment of dermatomycosis and is developing other tests for healthcare ...
A new strain of drug-resistant fungus that causes ringworm has been found in New Zealand and scientists are warning doctors ...
However, griseofulvin quickly became the mainstay of treatment, and the use of terbinafine and itraconazole in patients allergic to griseofulvin were also successful (Gupta et al., 1999 ...
Researchers have identified a new strain of drug-resistant fungus in New Zealand, prompting an alert to GP clinics to watch ...
Topical fungal infection medications, which may consist of (Odenil) amorolfine, Loprox (ciclopirox), or Jubila (efinaconazole) Antifungal oral pills such as Diflucan (fluconazole), Gris-PEG ...