IT之家 1 月 19 日消息,安全研究人员发现了一种新型 UEFI 漏洞,该漏洞通过多款系统恢复工具传播,,该漏洞使攻击者能够绕过安全启动(Secure Boot ...
在2月4日的最新报告中,科技媒体NeoWin透露,微软正式推出了一款新的PowerShell脚本,名为Make2023BootableMedia.ps1。该脚本的发布旨在确保Windows 10和Windows 11用户能够轻松更新其可启动媒体,以兼容新颁发的“Windows UEFI CA 2023”证书,这一举措标志着微软在提升系统安全性方面的又一重要步骤。
For some reason the UEFI firmware is often being advocated by telling actual lies about both UEFI and BIOS, which is supposedly meant to be completely replaced by UEFI. Although these lies are ...
近日,科技界传出了一则重磅消息,素有创新精神的微软公司于2月4日正式发布了一款名为Make2023BootableMedia.ps1的PowerShell脚本。这款新推出的脚本,其核心功能在于帮助Windows用户更新可启动媒体,确保其能够顺利兼容新发布的‘Windows UEFI CA 2023’安全启动证书。这一重大更新不仅展示了微软在系统安全性方面的重视,也为广大用户提供了极大的便利。
来自MSN1 个月
UEFI 2.11与PI 1.9规范发布:硬件兼容与安全性能再升级!近期,UEFI论坛正式揭晓了其最新的技术成果——UEFI 2.11规范与PI 1.9规范,这两大规范的问世,旨在进一步提升硬件架构的兼容性,加固系统安全防线 ...
It seems like there are two camps, the small group of people who care about UEFI and everyone else who doesn’t really notice or care as long as their computer works. So let’s talk about what ...
Attackers can attack Nvidia's Jetson Linux and IGX OS to compromise systems. Security updates are available for download.
In this post, we will show you how to switch or change BIOS Mode from Legacy to UEFI without reinstalling Windows 11/10. We will be discussing the following two methods by which we can change the ...
UEFI is the new firmware type designed to replace the old BIOS style. It introduces additional features, including support for partitions larger than 2TB and faster startup, sleep, resume, and ...
Speaking of Patch Tuesday, Microsoft seemingly enabled native UEFI and Secure Boot recently on Windows 7. UEFI Secure Boot was something the Redmond company had introduced with Windows 8.
I think it's important to know that boot images generated by recent ADK versions already contain this fix. For information on applying the BlackLotus UEFI bootkit vulnerability security updates to ...