A UFO was spotted hovering above a statue of Jesus during a religious ceremony. The mysterious Saturn-shaped object was ...
在回顾2024年的游戏经历时,我深感遗憾未能亲自参与《UFO 50》这一大型彩蛋的挖掘过程。这款独立游戏在国内并未获得广泛关注,其Steam页面上的中文评论仅有二十余条,而在各大游戏论坛和B站等平台,人们更多地将它视为一个“怀旧复古”和“街机游戏合集 ...
UFO到底是否真的存在?这是人类至今为止都无法确定的一个问题。但尽管没有过统一确定的真相,民间关于UFO的传闻却有很多。传言中亲眼见过UFO,还拍过照的人层出不穷。 上世纪九十年代,我国河北境内曾出现过一起军队追击UFO的事件,这也是我国第一起官方报道的不明飞行物事件。那么,这件事究竟是如何发生的呢?
ONCE touted as a hub of midcentury futurism, Taiwan’s space-style holiday park is now nothing more than an explorer’s paradise. With its UFO-like buildings the star of the show, the ...
(八打灵再也25日讯)美国新墨西哥州山区出现不明飞行物(UFO)?!有网民随后进行调查,指那只是个收集雨水的系统。据《每日邮报》报道,一名名为麦可的美国网民最近在Youtube分享自己的惊奇发现。他利用地图座标北纬34°24’21.6″,西经107° ...
(华盛顿23日讯)美国空军一名飞行员执行秘密任务时,目击一个足球大小、圆柱体的不明飞行物(UFO),从飞机右翼下方飞过,他与塔台通讯的录音档,如今也被媒体流出!综合美媒报导,事发去年9月17日下午2时30分,这位名叫“特洛伊21”(Troy ...
True Detective actor Woody Harrelson, 63, grew up in Ohio, where he once spotted "blinking lights" in the sky before they ...
Robbie Williams has claimed he regularly has psychic premonitions and has been visited by aliens, and said he's convinced the ...
搜狐娱乐讯 史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格执导的UFO题材科幻新片新泽西热拍,片场路透曝光,主演艾米莉·布朗特与导演斯皮尔伯格同框。
Conspiracists on Reddit were skeptical of the drone explanation for the UFO, which they believed was clear evidence of ...
Gerald Banyard jailed for 12 months after harassment, including sending death threats, of his brother and sister-in-law ...
Steven Spielberg’s upcoming UFO movie is in the thick of production, and newly released set photos tease Emily Blunt and ...