The life cycle of viruses varies greatly depending on the type and class of virus, but they follow the same basic stages of viral replication, i.e., adsorption, entry, uncoating, replication, assembly ...
uncoating of viral particles; and degradation of engulfed apoptotic cells. One of the cellular detectors of dsRNA is TLR3 (see the figure, part,a). dsRNA binds Toll-like receptor 3 (TLR3), which ...
The endolysosomal system is present in all cell types. Within these cells, it performs a series of essential roles, such as trafficking and sorting of membrane cargo, intracellular signaling, control ...
Helicases are dynamic enzymes that play essential roles in DNA and RNA metabolism, transcription, repair, and recombination and are often dysregulated in human diseases. In addition, helicases are ...