On Wednesday development studio Worlds Untold, has issued a statement that the studio will pause operations until a new ...
近日,网易游戏旗下的工作室Worlds Untold宣布暂停运营,这一消息立即引发了游戏界的广泛关注。该工作室由曾在《质量效应》系列担任编剧的Mac ...
Earlier this week Humanoid Origin, a studio led by former Mass Effect director Casey Hudson, closed doors without a ...
Mac Walters' Worlds Untold - which had been backed by NetEase - announced it was "pausing operations" until it can locate ...
网易海外工作室 Worlds Untold 是网易游戏的子公司,由前《质量效应》系列编剧 Mac Walters 领导,于 2023 年 11 月成立。近日,从 Mac Walters 的领英页面可知,Worlds Untold 做出了 ...
近日,网易旗下的游戏工作室Worlds Untold宣布暂停运营,自2023年11月成立以来迅速引发了业界的广泛关注。该工作室由《龙腾世纪》系列的制作总监Mac ...
Worlds Untold, a studio led by Mass Effect series writer Mac Walters and established in November 2023 as a NetEase Games ...
近日,吸引无数玩家关注的网易游戏旗下新兴工作室Worlds Untold突然宣布暂停运营,这一消息一出,顿时在游戏圈引起了轩然大波。这不仅关系到一款备受期待的近未来题材动作冒险游戏的未来,也让我们不得不重新审视网易游戏的海外扩张战略。作为中国游戏行业的佼佼者,网易在全球市场不断探索新可能,而Worlds Untold的成立正是这一战略的缩影. 事件回顾:Worlds Untold的崛起与落幕 Wo ...
Worlds Untold, the studio run by former BioWare dev Mac Walters, has announced it is putting operations on pause.
Walters said “It’s hard to find the right words for this, but I wanted to share that we’ve made the very difficult decision to pause operations at Worlds Untold while we search for a new ...
Worlds Untold, the NetEase-back studio from former Mass Effect writer Mac Walters, is “pausing operations,” until a new ...
It’s been a bad week for studios led by former BioWare employees: After the closure of Casey Hudson’s Humanoid Origin, Worlds ...