在西湖泛舟过“水上电梯”赏古榕垂岸,在三捷河驾驶电动游船见证上下杭百年繁华,约上三五好友相聚晋安河“水上会客厅福船”……冬日暖阳下,福州内河游的亲水体验氛围感拉满。福州,水网密布,内河纵横交错,100多条内河绵延约200多公里,如大地的血脉滋养着这座 ...
“一座城市的温度总是因人而起,而我所做的就是想激发他们对城市的归属感,提升他们的生活幸福感。”近年来,江苏省盐城市第九届人大代表、响水县文广旅局局长顾东海将“为民服务”作为履职尽责的初衷,肩扛代表使命,投身文化建设。抓精品 ...
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自考备考进行中,自考历年试题对考生来说是十分宝贵的资料,考前每道历年试题至少要做1-2遍才会事半功倍。自考365网给大家整理了2024年4月自考《新闻心理学》试题及答案,一起来试试吧! 一、单项选择题:本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分。在每小题 ...
National Bank of Bahrain (NBB) has reported a 5% increase in net profit attributable to shareholders reaching BD19.1 million ($50.7 million) for the third quarter ended 30 September 2024, compared to ...
Calallen's impressive season under head coach Charlie Reeve came to a close after a 28-21 loss to Bay City in the Class 4A ...
With the best Canon telephoto lenses, you can really fill the frame, getting closer than ever to bring out the finest details of the most elusive subjects. I've focused on telephoto zooms for this ...
I've long been into sports photography and have always found that I need seriously good telephoto lenses for capturing fast action on the pitch or on the track. Whether you're photographing pickup ...
Nine Filipino Indigenous leaders have received a prestigious fellowship from the Australian government. The leaders from ...