Xi Jinping shakes hands with a family member of Zou Jiahua to express deep condolences in Beijing, capital of China, Feb. 20, 2025. The remains of Zou Jiahua, a former Chinese vice premier, were crema ...
Xi Jinping, secrétaire général du Comité central du Parti communiste chinois, a assisté lundi à un symposium sur les entreprises privées. M. Xi, également président chinois et président de la ...
BEIJING, Feb. 17 (Xinhua) — The French, Russian, Spanish, and Arabic editions of "Understanding Xi Jinping's Educational Philosophy" have been jointly published by the Foreign Language Teaching and ...
As edições em francês, russo, espanhol e árabe de "Entendendo a Filosofia Educacional de Xi Jinping" foram publicadas em conjunto pela Editora de Ensino e Pesquisa de Línguas Estrangeiras e pela Edito ...
The revision to the military code of conduct refines the rules to award the excellent, punish violators and streamline relevant procedures. The revised regulations on military formation are added with ...
Xi Jinping, presidente da Comissão Militar Central, assinou ordens para publicar três regulamentos sobre a ordem interna das forças armadas, código de conduta e formação militar.
Xi Jinping, secretario general del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de China (PCCh), instó el lunes a realizar esfuerzos ...
Un article de Xi Jinping, secrétaire général du Comité central du Parti communiste chinois (PCC), qui souligne l'amélioration des systèmes d'application intégrale d'une discipline rigoureuse dans les ...
2025年2月17日,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平在京出席民营企业座谈会并发表重要讲话。 Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central ...
郭嘉昆:近期,针对泰缅边境连续发生网赌电诈恶性案件,中国、泰国、缅甸合力开展集中打击行动,多个电诈窝点被铲除,大批嫌犯落网。据了解,除了首批200名中国籍犯罪嫌疑人外,预计还有多批犯罪嫌疑人将被陆续押解回国。中方对泰方和缅方采取强有力措施摧毁电诈团伙 ...
The private sector enjoys broad prospects and great potential on the new journey in the new era. It is a prime time for private enterprises and entrepreneurs to give full play to their capabilities, ...