2024年11月29日,由《商业周刊》主办,梅赛德斯-奔驰担任首席战略合作伙伴的The Year Ahead 2025展望峰会在上海西岸美高梅酒店顺利闭幕。本届峰会为期两天,由中国与世界、消费与文化、科技与可持续,以及ESG影响力论坛四大部分组成。
2024年11月28日,由《商业周刊》主办,梅赛德斯-奔驰担任首席战略合作伙伴的The Year Ahead 2025展望峰会在上海西岸美高梅酒店顺利开幕。本届峰会为期两天,由中国与世界、消费与文化、科技与可持续,以及ESG影响力论坛四大部分组成。
The earliest known Chinese inscription in the region, dating back about 500 years, was discovered in western Jerusalem, the ...
Tables may be hard to get next year for the traditional family reunion dinner on Lunar New Year's Eve, with many customers in the habit of reserving seats up to a year ahead. With the Spring Festival ...
蹭一下TGA GOTY热度搞个属于我的JAA Anime Of The Year(此内容纯属自娱自乐,每个人心中有每个人的哈姆雷特) 以下是我的今年年度最佳动画提名 我心里危险的东西第二季 福星小子重制版第二季 无职转生第二季下半 ...
A flow chart editing framework focus on business customization. 专注于业务自定义的流程图编辑框架,支持实现脑图、ER图、UML、工作流等各种图编辑场景。 XIAOJUSURVEY is an enterprises form builder and analytics platform that allows users to ...
Zhengzhou airport hits record annual cargo volume of 707,000 tons this year ...
您的浏览器不支持音频播放。 This week marks the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Brazil. The commemoration comes ...
Burberry 推出其2025新禧贺岁系列广告大片与缤纷精品,旨在点亮馈赠珍礼、亲友团聚的温馨节日时刻,携手全球顾客共襄中国蛇年的欢庆盛宴。此次宣传大片特邀品牌大使张婧仪倾情演绎,以春日之姿礼赞中国传统佳节,揭开新年崭新篇章的序幕。
China's COMAC, Boeing, and Airbus have jointly released a forecast for the global aviation market over the next 20 years.
相信很多球鞋玩家对于 2018 年推出的「最佳新秀」配色 Air Jordan 1 High “Rookie of the Year” 还记忆深刻。由于造型经典,外加色调和颜值很适合日常穿搭,因此备受青睐,目前在市场上的转卖价格普遍在¥2000 以上 ...
The Light of Internet Expo, a key feature of the summit, opened in Wuzhen in the autumn of 2014. As the brightest star in the vast starry sky, the expo lit the road which was marred by trials and ...