Nano-enhanced perovskite solar cells last 10x longer by trapping iodine, paving the way for durable, affordable solar ...
Isobutanol was supplied using an HPLC metering pump and vaporized using a preheater. The reactor (internal volume = 1.2 L; internal diameter = 4.672 mm, length = 700 mm) was packed with 1,100 g ...
就在近期,中铝郑州有色金属研究院有限公司引起了市场的广泛关注,该公司于2024年10月申请了一项名为“一种γ-Al2O3及其制备方法、β″-Al2O3固体电解质”的专利,公开号为CN119370874A。此项专利的发布,标志着国内在新能源电池用材料领域的科研水平再创新高 ...
Missense mutations in the amyloid precursor protein (APP) and presenilin-1 (PSEN1) cause early-onset familial Alzheimer’s disease (FAD) and alter proteolytic production of secreted 38-to-43-residue ...
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