而这些政客为了转移民众的仇恨,就找到了替罪羊,也就是中国 ... benefits and then the anger turns onto the politicians.Then the politicians wants to transfer the anger and they have a scapegoat,which is China.
而这些政客为了转移民众的仇恨,就找到了替罪羊,也就是中国 ... wants to transfer the anger and they have a scapegoat, which is China. 国内严重的中产阶层 ...
而这些政客为了转移民众的仇恨,就找到了替罪羊,也就是中国。” The US multinational companies are ... then the anger turns onto the politicians. Then the politicians wants to transfer the anger and they have a scapegoat, which is ...