Name resolution APIs and libraries SHOULD recognize localhost names as special and SHOULD always return the IP loopback address for address queries and negative responses ... However, if you expect ...> hgetall PORT_TABLE:ETHERNET4 1) "dscp_to_tc_map" 2) "AZURE" 3) "tc_to_queue_map" 4) "AZURE" 5) "mpls_tc_to_tc_map" 6) "AZURE" cfgmgrd manages this table. In SONiC, CPU (management) and ...
这个配置刷入 Armbian 系统后跑 Docker/Qbittorrent 都是比较轻松的,系统可以刷入内置分区做到完美启动,实测 100 天没有不稳定重启的情况出现 要注意有 X96 Max 和 X96 Max Plus 2 个版本,刷入的方法是不一样,本文是基于 X96 Max Plus 刷入,以下简称 XMP 如果需要 GUI 桌面 ...