3 月 3 日上午,潇湘晨报记者从家属处获悉,郑州暴雨中砸车救人 " 菜刀哥 " 李坤朋于当日凌晨因病抢救无效去世。 李坤朋家属表示,李坤朋突发昏迷后,一直在 ICU 抢救," 后面慢慢一点一点开始脑死亡,到今天凌晨去世了。" 现在一家人心情很悲痛,正在前往殡仪馆的路上。
自2008年中国第一笔线上外卖诞生以来,来自外乡的外卖骑手们如毛细血管般渗透进城市肌理。这个被算法数据重构的职业群体,在平台经济浪潮中身份进化成了”新蓝领”。截至2025年1月,全国即时配送从业者突破1000万人,超过瑞士全国人口规模。行业发展数十载 ...
Chinese animated blockbuster "Ne Zha 2" has grossed an estimated nearly US$18 million after three weekends in North America, ...
截至2024年12月31日,Frontline拥有强劲的流动性USD 693 million,包括现金、未提取信贷额度和有价证券。公司在第四季度完全提取了USD 512.1 million的售后回租协议,为10艘苏伊士型油轮进行再融资,产生净现金收入USD 101 million。
BEIJING, Feb. 28 (Xinhua) -- Despite intensifying external headwinds and rising domestic pressures, China's economy maintained growth momentum in 2024. This resilience is attributed to the country's ...
曼彻斯特 - 总部位于曼彻斯特的房地产开发公司Zentra Group PLC宣布,其位于西约克郡Eccleshill的One Meadow开发项目大部分单位已售出。此次交易涉及24个可售单位中的19个,成交总额为£3.96 million。
[ET Net News Agency, 28 February 2025] A non-direct manual trade of 10 million shares of TRACKER FUND (02800) was registered at 10:17a.m. The deal amounted to HK$234m, or at HK$23.4 per share, 2.3% lo ...
“Ne Zha 2” merchandise sales have exceeded 300 million yuan on Taobao, breaking a two-year record set by “The Wandering Earth ...
On Harbin's Central Street, icy stairs were covered with nonslip carpets, while the railings were wrapped in frost-resistant ...
Harbin Ice-Snow World, the world's largest ice-and-snow theme park, officially closed its 26th edition on Wednesday evening ...