Adobe has now released a free version for Apple's iPhone, with an Android app coming soon, Adobe executives told Reuters.
Chinese private enterprises continued to lead the country's foreign trade with transactions totaling 24.33 trillion yuan ( US$3.4 trillion ) last year, posting an 8.8 percent year-on-year increase and ...
Chinese private enterprises continued to lead the country's foreign trade with transactions totaling 24.33 trillion yuan ...
China drilled its first ultra-deep scientific exploration well to a depth of 10,910 meters on Jan. 5 in the Tarim Basin of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, setting a record as Asia’s deepest and ...
中央一号文件原指中共中央每年发布的第一份文件,现在中央一号文件已成为中共中央重视农村问题的专有名词。中共中央从1982年到1986年连续五年发布以“三农”即农业、农村和农民为主题的中央一号文件。进入本世纪,2004年到2024年又连续二十一年发布以“ ...
The Mysterious Chamber of Commerce Behind Huanya Park: Linked to a Chinese Gang Leader and the Blood Slave Case,with,including,chinese,case,myawaddy,years ...
Beyond the Crisis of NETA Automobile: Are State-Owned Shareholders the Biggest Suppliers?,with,automobile,owned,complete,million,new ...
随着人们生活观念的转变,越来越多的城市居民渴望 亲近自然、体验乡村生活 。 “小院经济” 通过打造迷你小溪、围炉煮茶、野奢露营帐篷等 场景化体验 ,满足了消费者对“慢生活”的追求。这种 个性化、定制化 的服务,尤其是对年轻人极具吸引力。
BEIJING, Feb. 24 (Xinhua) -- By shutting out Chinese enterprises and the Chinese market, the United States will end up hurting its own economic interests and international credibility, foreign ...
浙江汇隆新材料股份有限公司,一家专注于原液着色涤纶长丝智能制造的领先企业,近日宣布对 Ambercycle进行 500 万美元的战略投资。此次合作体现了双方在绿色纤维创新领域的共同承诺,计划携手扩大 T2T 原液着色涤纶长丝的生产能力。
China's tech hub Shenzhen will launch 10 billion yuan fund to accelerate AI industry growth; More than 9 billion passenger ...