Yesterday, Fu Sijin still got angry on the spot because someone mocked her son. Now, he openly protects the person who mocked ...
• 时尚品牌爱马仕(Hermès)在2024年取得亮眼业绩之后,向2.5万名员工发放近5,000美元的奖金。虽然这与爱马仕著名的铂金包或凯莉包相比不值一提,但按照法国的生活成本而言,这笔奖金确实堪称丰厚。
As spring arrives in Lingnan, the beauty of the region ushers in the New Year. In 2025, during the Chinese New Year, "The Great Beauty of Lingnan" will accompany you in admiring the scenery of the ...
• 埃隆·马斯克和政府效率部的天才团队表示,美国财政部每周向欺诈账户支付约10亿美元。美国总统特朗普对记者表示,这可能有助于削减美国数万亿美元国家债务问题,尽管马斯克所发现的数字,对国家债务的利息而言也只是杯水车薪。
A fan of the Village Super League, known as Cun Chao, Geary has played for the Liubaitang Village team for two consecutive ...