Tests released February 7 by the N.C. Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) show that Asheboro has dumped extremely high ...
We examine the effect of healing time on the nonadiabatic dynamics and spectrum of a first-generation Donor–Acceptor Stenhouse Adduct in chloroform. Insufficient healing times skew the branching ratio ...
Department of Chemistry, Waterloo Institute for Nanotechnology, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1, Canada ...
While traditionally recognized for their roles in hemostatic pathways, emerging evidence demonstrates that platelets have previously unrecognized, dynamic roles that span the immune continuum. These ...
Here we report the structures of the KTN-bearing KefC C-terminal domain (KefC-CTD) in complex with KefF and either the inhibitory ligand GSH, or the activating glutathione adduct ESG. The structures ...