Dragon Ball Z, an adaptation of the later part of the manga, took the series’ popularity to even greater heights. Films, video games and other spin-offs followed as the franchise grew into a global ...
Manga Toshokan Z" (Manga Library Z), a digital service for publishing rare out-of-print manga for free, announced on Tuesday that it is shutting down on November 26. According to the website and ...
Dubbed Akira, the project we’ll be featuring today is one of their latest. Readers who are into anime and manga will have immediately recognized that name, as it was taken from one of the most ...
Adapted from Chainsaw Man creator Tatsuki Fujimoto’s one-shot manga, Look Back is perhaps the ... accessible to the uninitiated viewer. Akira Toriyama’s Dragon Ball franchise is best known ...
The last piece of work from the late creator Akira Toriyama ... to what’s made this franchise such a staple in anime and manga. Charming art direction, slick animation, and exciting martial ...
TOKYO — "Dragon Ball" fans on Wednesday celebrated 40 years of the globally beloved Japanese manga, anime and video game franchise, just months after creator Akira Toriyama's unexpected death. The ...
"Dragon Ball" fans on Wednesday celebrated 40 years of the globally beloved Japanese manga, anime and video game franchise, just months after creator Akira Toriyama's unexpected death. The ...