In the Shonen genre, Akira Toriyama’s Dragon Ball stands tall as the most popular series of all time.The show maintained a legacy so grand that many would call it a legendary franchise that has ...
SUMMARY Vegeta is often regarded as one of the best characters in Dragon Ball, and the reason behind this prominence is his compelling character arc. However, Akira Toriyama created an even better ...
“Your protagonist is quite simple. That’s why it’s not popular,” explained Toriyama, adding that “annoying” because he made Goku that way “intentionally.” To increase the ...
This series holds special significance as the final project of the famous mangaka Akira Toriyama. It blends nostalgia with fresh, unpredictable storylines. Classic heroes like Goku and Vegeta return, ...
Kiyo is a timer that relies on a natural mechanism rather than digital technology, using a Japanese system called “Shi-shi odoshi.” Sound is created through the interaction of bamboo, water, and stone ...