Allers-Retours协会主办的作者电影展,选片旨在汇集最当下,最具“作者性” 的华语电影佳作。通过作者们忠实于自我表达,贴合时代趋向的视听创作,观众们得以体察到多元多面多维的华语影像。经过几届的努力,影展已将百余部华语作品带到了巴黎观众面前,成为法国境内代表性的华语专题影展。
Roger Allers has written 1 shows including The Lion King (Bookwriter). What awards has Roger Allers been nominated for? Best Musical (New York Drama Critics Circle Awards) for The Lion King and ...
Work on a £420,000 solar project at a waste water treatment works serving thousands of customers in and around East Kilbride ...
Reacting to concerns from a councilmember about traffic over the weekend, Fort Myers Beach Mayor Dan Allers called for the town to hire a security firm to address traffic. Though no vote took place on ...