Amazon's e-readers are great for more than just books; you can also send a PDF to your Kindle, granting you easy access to research papers, important paperwork or unpublished works. Below ...
If you buy books from Amazon or subscribe to Amazon’s Kindle Unlimited service, the Kindle is your only choice, and the Kindle Paperwhite is the best Kindle for most people. It’s bright ...
Dungeons and Dragons manuals or super complex documents. Amazon does have Kindle for WEB, which does support a 200MB PDF, which should suit the vast majority of people just fine. It is essential ...
You might not realize it, but your Kindle can do far more than just download and display books. Most models have a variety of hidden features and functions that can ...
People have started receiving their orders of Amazon’s first color e-reader, the Kindle Colorsoft Signature Edition, and many say they’re disappointed to find a yellow, discolored strip at the ...
Ever wonder which Amazon Kindle you could cozy up with at the pool? Amazon recently introduced the Kindle Colorsoft, a new, colorful variant of its beloved e-reader, and a new Kindle lineup with ...
Amazon has the most popular ones and launched its latest 2024 Kindle line-up just last month, in mid-October. Black Friday is kicking off, though, and the popular online retailer is joining the ...
Looking to save on an ereader during Black Friday and Cyber Monday? Here's a rundown of all the pros and cons of Amazon's most recent models. My title is Senior Features Writer, which is a license ...
1] Did you install the Kindle ... Amazon account and see all the eBooks you have purchased and get a similar experience. If you still don’t like checking out the list of eBook readers. Can I ...
But until the Amazon Kindle Colorsoft launched last month, I’d only had a taste of color E Ink on non-Amazon devices. Read my Amazon Kindle Colorsoft review to learn if the $280 price tag is ...
As Amazon looks to fix the issue, Colorsoft shipping dates have begun to slip, with estimates ranging from 12 to 16 days away, much further out than we expect. After one week with the Kindle ...