《Angry Gran VS Naughty Cat Sim》的画风采用了全3D的立体风格,玩家以第一人称视角呈现,横版的布局带来更广阔的视觉效果。角色的造型精美,场景的贴图细腻,房间的设计干净整洁,明亮宽敞。画面整体色彩柔和,饱和度较高,角色比例造型可爱,堪称老少皆宜。
Your cat may make angry cat noises, get jealous, seemingly purposefully knock something over, or pee on your new bedspread. Instead of instantly reacting, play detective, says Kavanaugh.
For example, if a cat is hugged or held excessively, it may start to avoid the person responsible for these interactions. However, this behavior does not imply conscious rejection but rather an ...