As high-powered collaborations and exciting bring-backs make headlines in the sneaker space each week, true newness can feel ...
Irving, who has been in exceptional form, will look to build on his momentum when the Mavericks face the Charlotte Hornets ...
ANTA and Kyrie Irving continue to redefine the intersection of art, culture, and athletic excellence with the release of the ...
Kyrie Irving and ANTA are releasing the latest signature sneaker, KAI 2 "Artist on Court" from the New Jersey native ...
We use essential cookies to make our site work. With your consent, we may also use non-essential cookies to improve user experience and analyze website traffic. By clicking “Accept,” you agree to our ...
Mahukunta a Najeriya na ci gaba da nuna damuwa a kan yadda ake samun waiwayowar hare-haren 'yan bindiga a wasu wurare duk da ...
We use essential cookies to make our site work. With your consent, we may also use non-essential cookies to improve user experience and analyze website traffic. By clicking “Accept,” you agree to our ...
Kyrie Irving took center stage during the 2025 NBA All-Star Weekend, debuting his second signature sneaker with ANTA: the ...
Kyrie Irving and Anta are quickly following up on their second signature sneaker's formal on-court debut at the NBA All-Star ...
不管怎样,预计 KAI 2 很快就会与我们正式见面。ANTA KAI 2 大概率会在本月月底公布具体发售细则。其颜值毋庸置疑,至于实战性能,就让我们一同期待吧!
在顶替因伤缺阵的达拉斯独行侠队友安东尼·戴维斯后,超级球星凯里·欧文入选了他的第九次NBA全明星阵容。这项荣誉实至名归,欧文场均得到24.6分、4.8个篮板和4.8次助攻,也是独行侠队的抢断王。欧文还借此机会首次亮相了他与安踏合作的第二款签名鞋——A ...
Kyrie Irving's follow-up ANTA KAI 2 is finally here. Check our Sneakers news for more upcoming releases and breaking content!