Ohio officials have denounced a small contingent of neo-Nazis who paraded Saturday afternoon through a Columbus neighborhood – waving flags featuring swastikas and shouting a racist slur – in ...
The students began their protest outside the UPPSC office on November 11 against its decision to conduct the preliminary examinations for Provincial Civil Services (PCS), Review Officer (RO) and ...
Several videos began popping up around 1:15 p.m. Saturday on social media of about a dozen people, one with a bullhorn, wearing all black with red facemasks and carrying black flags with red ...
UPPSC RO, ARO exam 2024: The Uttar Pradesh Staff Selection Commission (UPPSC) will soon announce the Review Officer-Assistant Review Officer (RO ARO) exam date. The exam, initially scheduled for ...
UPPSC PCS Prelims, RO/ARO 2024: In a big relief to the agitating candidates, the Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) has agreed to conduct the UPPSC Public Service Commission (PCS ...