It is argued that these concerns should not be limited to expert discussions but should engage the wider public through a broad debate involving all sectors of society. Emerging technologies ...
And even "if they do develop a sexual attraction, the desire for sexual activity is often less intense," the ClevelandClinic article said. But isn't that the aspect of asexual people? Demisexuals fall ...
ChatGPT and the Future of AI: The Deep Language Revolution Terrence J. Sejnowski The MIT Press (2024) Some of the surprise winners of this year’s Nobel prizes were the developers of AlphaFold ...
On social media, many are discussing the social phenomenon of "taking revenge on society", where individuals act on personal grievances by attacking strangers. Police said the driver who ploughed ...
"I'm really excited there's going to be asexual and aromantic representation with Isaac," Oseman said. The British writer, 28, identifies as aromantic and asexual herself. Aromantic is an umbrella ...