Add a "shim" on one side, and pull the elastic from the other side Do this for the other side too, rotate the rod to pull in the shim. the elastic should not be too tight, just enough to hold the ...
Clone this repository, and then install py4godot 1.0.0-alpha2 into /addons/ in the root folder (see the README in the py4godot repository for more info). The Palettize tool by Astropulse has been ...
近期,FunPlus发生了两个大事件,可归为“一扩一缩”。 “一扩”是其在10月对外公布了在葡萄牙首都里斯本开设了新的游戏工作室——Studio ...
而基于新的市场需求,FunPlus还收购了多家独立工作室,如Imagendary Studios,进一步丰富自身的IP库。2023年,该工作室推出首个原创IP项目《星脉(Astropulse)》,引发了玩家们的期待。尽管过程中伴随着挑战与裁员,FunPlus依旧保持着高昂的战斗力,努力在变化中 ...