Goose astrovirus (GAstV) is a small, non-enveloped, single-stranded, positive-sense RNA virus. GAstV has rapidly spread across various regions in China since 2016. In Sichuan, out of 113 samples were ...
尽管有不少研究关注了这些病毒和肠道黏液之间的关系,但对于肠道黏液到底是如何全方位保护我们免受这些病原体侵害的,科学家们还存在很多疑惑。正是在这样的背景下,为了更深入地了解肠道黏液在对抗病毒性肠胃炎(Viral gastroenteritis)时的保护作用,来自比利时根特大学兽医学院病毒学实验室等机构的研究人员展开了探索。他们的研究成果发表在了《Gut ...
幽门螺旋杆菌抗原检测条H.pylori Blister Tes t40 免疫层析法 星状病毒检测条Astrovirus 40 免疫层析法 诺如病毒检测条Norovirus 40 免疫层析法 诺如病毒GI+GII联合检测条Norovirus GI+GII40 免疫层析法 肠道病毒检测条Enterovirus 40 免疫层析法 大肠杆菌O157:H7检测条E.coli o157 ...
peaking between April and December Adenovirus – Affects individuals with weakened immune systems Astrovirus – Causes mild gastrointestinal symptoms Unlike influenza, which primarily affects ...
Viroporins are virally encoded transmembrane proteins that are essential for viral pathogenicity and can participate in various stages of the viral life cycle, thereby promoting viral proliferation.