For Simmons seeks to learn the truth about Atlantis, the “continent” that lies in the twilight zone between mythology, history and science. What, when and where was it? Who inhabited it?
Certainly Science could not be blamed for all the social, political, and religious upheaval that plagued the late Victorian period, but just as certainly it seemed to have its hand in them. The ...
Atlantis Atlantis is the most famous of the ... records” that he allegedly found in a monastery in India. Modern science does not support this idea, but the Mu hypothesis has found a place ...
The recent Georgia Southern Planetarium viewing of Lamps of Atlantis took local residents on a journey through the stars.
At least, in the case of Atlantis. According to the iconic Greek ... published in the Journal of Archaeological Science. This alloy, which was a yellowish-gold colour, but with the red tinge ...