在游戏硬件领域,一款产品能够在短时间内取得巨大成功并非易事,但Valve旗下的Steam Deck却做到了。自2022年2月25日正式发布以来,这款掌机已经走过了三年的辉煌历程。 据The Verge从IDC获取的最新数据显示,Steam ...
外媒PC Gamer近日发文回顾了Valve旗下掌机设备Steam Deck上市三年来的历程,认为其已成功引领掌机PC市场。文章指出,Steam Deck的成功证明了掌机PC的可行性,并吸引其他厂商纷纷加入战局。 Steam Deck的优势在于其亲民的价格、优秀的Steam ...
Take-Two公司首席执行官 斯特劳斯·泽尔尼克 似乎暗示了《侠盗猎车手6》未来某个时候将会登陆PC平台。
Furthermore, a Bayesian age-period-cohort (BAPC) model using the integrated nested Laplacian approximation algorithm was employed to project the disease burden over the next 20 years. Results: ...
The data is studied utilizing decomposition analysis, health inequality research, joinpoint regression model, and Bayesian Average Annual Percentage Change (BAPC) model. Results: The study found that ...