As the global earnings of "Ne Zha 2", including pre-sales, hit a historic 12.319 billion yuan (about 1.72 billion U.S. dollars), its influence extends beyond the cinema to the shelves of both ...
"让我们走进剧院,探索那神秘的'box office'背后的故事。"这句充满戏剧性的话语仿佛将我们带回了那个古典与现代交织的时代,引领着我们一起揭开'票房'这一词汇背后的历史与文化。 在早期的戏院中,那些有钱人会坐在被称为私人包厢(private boxes)的地方观看表演,享受着与众不同的视角与氛围。而这些包厢门票的售卖之处,就是所谓的'box office'。随着时间的推移,这个词逐渐演变为泛 ...
To ensure each Jinxianggan Mandarin is freshly picked before shipping, the couple makes dozens of trips to their orchard daily. Their "fresh-picked, direct-from-orchard" sales model has boosted sales ...