Google Maps Timeline now stores data on your device. Learn how to enable cloud backup and avoid losing your location history.
Cloud backup involves copying data to an off-site server maintained by a third-party service provider. This process ensures ...
DigiBoxx, India's first swadeshi SaaS-based digital storage and sharing platform, has engaged with Arctera to provide secure ...
Megh3 is billed as India’s first swadeshi, fully managed elastic cloud storage solution service that gives its customers ...
DigiBoxx and Arctera partner to offer secure cloud backup & recovery services for Indian SMBs, enterprises, and government ...
DigiBoxx and Arctera have joined forces to offer cost-effective cloud backup and recovery services targeting SMBs, ...
DigiBoxx, India's first indigenous SaaS-based digital storage platform, teams up with Arctera to deliver secure cloud backup ...
Worried about losing your game saves? Here's how to back up your games on Steam, GOG, Epic Games, and other PC platforms.
and other anomalies that may compromise data”, the company stated. Arnab Mitra, CEO of DigiBoxx, emphasized the benefits of ...
The ZimaCube Pro supports a total of 164TB of storage and uses the EXT4 file system. It can be configured for RAID 0, RAID 1, ...
Data management solution provider firms DigiBoxx and Arctera have partnered to provide secure cloud backup and recovery services to small and medium businesses (SMBs), enterprises and government ...
Data centre interconnect (DCI) is the glue that keeps their digital assets connected, secure, and easily accessible.