A bacteriophage is a type of virus that infects bacteria. In fact, the word "bacteriophage" literally means "bacteria eater," because bacteriophages destroy their host cells. All bacteriophages ...
Dennis D'Amico, associate professor of animal science, has demonstrated that bacteriophages can effectively reduce the amount ...
In the study, a group of scientists led by the head of the laboratory Artem Isaev analyzed the composition of one of the therapeutic phage cocktails and discovered a new type of bacteriophage—it ...
This technology enables the use of any bacteriophage, modified to carry a reporter gene, to which any analyte-recognizing moiety is attached via the capsid. The modified bacteriophage is used to ...
In the face of rising concerns about antibiotic resistant infections, an international group of microbial experts have launched a powerful and flexible free online genomic toolkit for more rapid ...
Current decolonization methods for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) face several challenges, including resistance development or microbiome disruption. Hypharm GmbH has presented ...
at day 15 – in the first placebo-controlled trial of the BX004 bacteriophage cocktail. The results from the phase 1 portion of the phase1/2a study have been described as “impressive” by ...
Prof. Lindell's research group has been exploring this field for years and has already made dramatic discoveries about bacteriophage-bacteria interactions in marine environments. Their new study ...
42, No. 4, Apr., 1928 The Twort-D'Herelle Phenomenon: A Critic... The Twort-D'Herelle Phenomenon: A Critical Review and Presentation of a New Conception (Homogamic Theory) of Bacteriophage Action This ...
The Head of the Department of Neurology at Banaras Hindu University, Professor Vijay Nath Mishra, rejected the Pollution Board's claim that a concerning level of faecal coliform was found in the ...
This technology consists of a method for the simultaneous development of multiple bacterial detection assays based on a T4 bacteriophage system. A T4 reporter bacteriophage strain is used that carries ...