此次由开发商与加拿大独立唱片公司Monstercat合作推出的DLC,定价为14.99美元,约合人民币109元,已经在meta ...
音游爱好者们,准备好迎接全新的节奏挑战了吗?在全球热销的虚拟现实音游《Beat Saber》中,开发商近日联合电子音乐厂牌Monstercat推出了备受期待 ...
在音游圈中,玩家们总是渴望着新的音乐、新的挑战,尤其是像《Beat Saber》这样备受欢迎的VR游戏。最近,这款游戏为音游爱好者带来了令人兴奋的消息——全新DLC“Monstercat Mixtape 2”正式上线,定价为14.99美元,首次合作让整个游戏界为之一振。
Meta Quest 博客今日宣布,备受玩家喜爱的 VR 节奏游戏《Beat Saber》将推出全新的付费 DLC 音乐包《Monstercat Mixtape 2》。据悉,这款音乐包由知名音乐厂牌 Monstercat 提供,共收录了 12 ...
If you've ever suffered an injury, then you know physical therapy is a vital part of the recovery process. You also know it ...
In 2025, the gaming world has fully embraced Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR), because apparently staring at a ...
IT之家 11 月 15 日消息,音游《Beat Saber》对于大多数 VR 使用者来说并不陌生,这款游戏的首款付费 DLC“Monstercat ...
If you feel like becoming the ultimate boner champ, then take a look at our Trombone Champ: Unflattened Review ...
VR gaming has taken the gaming industry market by storm, with players adopting it left and right every single day. It is ...
IT之家11 月 15 日消息,音游《Beat Saber》对于大多数 VR 使用者来说并不陌生,这款游戏的首款付费 DLC“Monstercat Mixtape”于 2019 年发布,而如今开发商联合 Monstercat 推出了该 DLC 的接续者“Monstercat Mixtape 2”,定价为 14.99 美元(IT之家备注:当前约 109 元人民币)。
Introduction There have been tremendous changes in virtual reality in the past couple of years with the delivery of truly ...