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THE BUZZ: LEFT IN THE COLD — San Francisco’s progressives have suffered defeat after defeat over the last four years, and activists are now plotting ways to rebuild the once-formidable movement.
You may occasionally receive promotional content from the Los Angeles Times. Sign up for the Essential California newsletter to start your day with expert analysis, news, features and guides from ...
California Gov. Gavin Newsom requested nearly $40 billion in wildfire recovery aid in a letter to members of Congress on Friday. At least 29 people died as a result of the raging fires in Southern ...
SAN DIEGO (FOX5/KUSI) — California has some well-known state symbols, such as the poppy flower and the California quail as the official bird. In recent times, it has added an official bat and ...
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They rushed to flee the fires in Southern California, grabbing their belongings and their pets. They took the precious and the mundane, each with its own story to tell. As Frieze Los Angeles ...
Will California become an independent country and exit the United States of America? California Secretary of State Shirley Weber recently approved a campaign to gather signatures petitioning for a ...
They rushed to flee the fires in Southern California, grabbing their belongings and their pets. They took the precious and the mundane, each with its own story to tell. By Corina KnollSoumya ...
Enjoy winter sports at iconic ski resorts like Mammoth Mountain, Heavenly Ski and Northstar California. Escape to a spa resort in Palm Springs for some pampering. California's diverse array of ...
If you live in California, you'll want to bank with a financial institution that operates in your state and offers good perks and low rates. Below, you'll find our top picks for the best banks and ...