You may not realize it, but the two seemingly separate viewpoints of our natural world provided by science and the Bible may ...
Latecomers are seated at the discretion of management. The Book of Mormon follows two young missionaries who are sent to Uganda to try to convert citizens to the Mormon religion. One missionary ...
We are changed “from glory to glory,” says the King James Version. The 2 Corinthians reading itself moves from cringey to ...
By Jennifer Duarte The parish assembly held at the Church of St Michael (SMC) on February 16, saw a packed hall of engaged ...
Testing constitutional limits, Republicans in at least 15 states, including South Dakota, have introduced legislation this year that would require the Ten Commandments be displayed in public school ...
With Diamond Comics Distributors in the midst of bankruptcy proceedings and sales of comics periodicals flying unexpectedly ...
If you analyze the overall structure of the Mishkan (and Beit HaMikdash) you see that it is layered according to the level of holiness.
It is not only possible to have dual loyalties. It is necessary. That is the subject of our podcast interview with Rabbi ...
Immigration has long been a hot button issue that some religious leaders refrain from speaking about publicly, but several ...
In Jewish tradition, kavod hamet, honoring the dead, is one of the greatest mitzvot. It is a mitzvah that cannot be repaid, a ...
Scientists have discovered deadly brine pools nearly 4,000 feet beneath the surface of the Red Sea's Gulf of Aqaba. The pools ...
It happened some decades ago, when Elie Wiesel stood up to then-President Ronald Reagan when he was about to visit the German military cemetery in Bitburg, which contained the graves of SS members.