Brain expert David Rock suggested I limit my daily to-do list to just three items. I tried, and at times it did make me feel better.
The black box of the human brain is starting to open. Although animal models are instrumental in shaping our understanding of ...
A team from the University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth has conducted the largest characterization of ...
YOU CAN FIGHT heart disease, cancer, and strokes with an arsenal of medications, surgeries, and other tech. You can fortify ...
Today, some university researchers and small pharmaceutical and supplement companies are developing treatments to curb ...
New research provides valuable insights into the brain-body immune connection identifying key communication hubs in the dural sinuses and skull bone marrow at the back of the head.
Imagine being passed over for a promotion or left out of a friend's wedding. Scientists now know how these events impact the brain.
Researchers have developed a groundbreaking technique using brain imaging and neurofeedback to induce learning without ...
More than 70 Nobel laureates are denouncing the nomination of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. This is an outrageous overstep by people who read books.
A new study has pinpointed brain markers that may predict which teenagers are vulnerable to developing gaming addiction, ...
Axons in brain cells resemble a string of pearls rather than smooth tubes, according to Johns Hopkins researchers. This ...
How the brain remembers has a lot to do with focus. It’s in this area of cognitive science that Steven Luck, professor of ...