There aren’t as many American bumble bees (Bombus pensylvanicus) as there used to be in the state the insect is named after.
The sight and sound of a bumblebee or a honey bee buzzing from flower to flower in an alpine meadow or a roadside planting is ...
The Bible says very little about what Jesus looked like. And for centuries after his death, likely due to concerns about idolatry, artists wouldn’t even create depictions of the Son of God. So, the ...
Scientists are amazed by bee’s intelligence and cognitive prowess. According to two recent researches, bees appear to show a preference for a direction when counting, just like humans and certain ...
Insects like boxelder ... This is when they start to look for places to hibernate and end up clustering around the lower edges of buildings. Boxelder bugs aren’t considered a serious threat ...
ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — Feel like dissing instead of kissing your former lover this Valentine’s Day? Think your ex is more like a rat than a prince? Do you believe your former paramour should ...
There are just some things that insert themselves where they are unwanted, and when plants and animals insert themselves into areas they aren't supposed ... Here's a look at the most invasive ...
Apple engineers aren’t yet done with AR glasses ... Many renditions of tethered smart glasses from brands like RayNeo and XReal are simply secondary screens. Adding more capabilities to ...
Brits have been warned to be on high alert for a nasty winter bug that's spreading "like wildfire", causing hospital wards to close and putting extra strain on NHS services. The dreaded norovirus ...
How did a common ancestor of humans and insects order information ... and show evidence of linking numbers to spatial information like size. The competency bees show around numbers makes them an ideal ...
It works with look-alike species ... scientific audience. But aren't there already apps that help identify insects? Yes, said Ganapathysubramanian, but they're not to the scale of InsectNet ...