In case you're unfamiliar with the digital revolution, we've got the answers to all your questions about digital radio including which is the best radio to buy, what are the benefits of digital over ...
Bear in mind that the amount and quality of analogue or digital radio stations you get will depend on your location and ... You can read more about our radio testing process here, or scroll below see ...
There was a time when a handheld radio transceiver was an object of wonder, and a significant item for any radio amateur to own. A few hundred dollars secured you an FM walkie-talkie through which ...
Major channels are abandoning or have already abandoned older Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB) radios in favour of new DAB+ technology – forcing listeners to buy a more modern radio. It comes ...
Digital modes are all the rage these days in amateur radio — hams are using protocols like WSPR to check propagation patterns, FT8 to get quick contacts on many bands with relatively low power ...