Research reveals promising advancements of Ce6-GFFY in colorectal cancer treatment. Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a highly malignant disease that readily metastasizes to vital organs. Many strategies ...
Background Treatment strategies for Crohn’s disease (CD) suppress diverse inflammatory pathways but many patients remain ...
bMcMaster Immunology Research Centre, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada cCentre for Discovery in Cancer Research, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada ...
8 Abramson Cancer Center, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Correspondence to Dr Marina Pasca di Magliano, PhD, Department of Surgery and Department of Cell and Developmental ...
MDSCs were isolated from the spleens of CIA mice with clinical score higher than 6 unless indicated using CD11b+ magnetic beads (Miltenyi Biotec ... while splenocytes were plated in the lower wells ...
Functionally bivalent non-covalent Fab dimers (Bi-Fabs) specific for the TCR/CD3 complex promote CD3 signaling on T cells. While comparing functional responses to stimulation with Bi-Fab, F(ab’)2 or ...
This study is valuable and contains results that are supported by convincing evidence. In the future, the observations could be further strengthened by independent validation, and by looking at larger ...
In contrast, IL4/IL13 mediated healing responses were suppressed with cyclic but enhanced with static stretch conditions. Mechanistically, both static and cyclic stretch increased expression of the ...
Over half of breast-cancer-related deaths are due to recurrence 5 or more years after initial diagnosis and treatment. This latency suggests that a population of residual tumor cells can survive ...
Inhibition of platelet activation by an anti-GPVI antibody, but not inhibition of platelet adhesion or aggregation by an anti-GPIb or anti-GPIIbIIIa antibody significantly reduces infarct size. The ...