在音乐的海洋中,有些音效像经典的旋律一样,随着时间的推移愈发动人。如今,Behringer凭借其全新的Centaur Overdrive踏板,将音乐的经典延续至今,向吉他效果踏板的传奇——Klon Centaur致敬。无论你是吉他演奏的新手还是老道的音乐家,都难以抵挡这款踏板带来的情感共鸣,仿佛每一次弹拨都在叙述一段动人的故事。 “透明的提升,无限的可能”是Behringer对Centaur Ov ...
在吉他爱好者的圈子里,Klon Centaur过载踏板一直被视为传奇之作,尤其是在众多著名吉他手的推荐下,其价格甚至高达9,000美元。然而,Behringer最近发布的Centaur Overdrive踏板以仅69美元的售价,迅速吸引了无数目光。这款新产品不仅是对Klon Centaur的致敬,更通过其传承的音色和设计,展现了Behringer在模拟效果器领域的深厚功底。 Klon Centau ...
在有关这款新产品的声明中,Behringer表示致敬Klon Centaur 的过载踏板 Centaur Overdrive,它将提供具有巨大动态范围的传奇透明增强过载功能。 如果你把Behringer Centaur ...
The new Vulcan Centaur rocket's first launch for the U.S. Space Force will come at an exciting time for the spaceflight ...
Behringer gets serious with a replica that looks the part, has germanium in the circuit, and promises that its dual-pot gain ...
The Centaur Theatre, located in Old Montreal, has installed a street-level access elevator, which allows anyone with mobility ...
Ask Epirus CEO Andy Lowery about robots on the battlefield and he'll tell you about a mythical mix of human and horse. Lowery ...
In late 2024 or early 2025, United Launch Alliance (ULA)'s Vulcan Centaur rocket will fly its first of more than two dozen U.S. Space Force missions allocated under a national security space ...
In sports perfection is hard to master. In fact, it's impossible but it's something every coach dreams about. In the case of the Culver City high school girls and boys varsity basketball teams the ...
Did you know the public is welcome to the Krewe of Centaur Bal in Shreveport? Get your tickets now for Grand Bal 33 ...
Here’s how it works. Furthermore, Behringer’s Centaur Overdrive retails for just $69. What a time to be alive. Behringer’s design follows a similar template to the original, with the gold box, the ...