CRISPR是一种强大的基因编辑工具,它使用一种名为Cas9的酶对目标基因进行精确编辑。 但问题是,它并不总能留在身体的正确部位,而且在需要的很长时间后仍会继续编辑基因,从而可能引发免疫反应。一种新型癌症基因疗法可以在身体的特定部位远程激活。 研究小组开发了一种能对超声波做出反应的CRISPR,并演示了如何利用它清除小鼠体内的癌症。在超声脉冲的帮助下,CRISPR 在癌细胞上工作的艺术家印象图现在 ...
A new kind of cancer gene therapy can be remotely activated at a specific part of the body. The team developed a version of ...
现代快报讯(记者 是钟寅)近日,“追星就追科学家”校园公益科普活动在江苏省盱眙中学圆满收官。北京大学生命科学学院副教授,2023亚洲青年科学家基金项目研究员-生命科学——杜鹏,与江苏省盱眙中学的900名学生一起揭秘跨物种基因工程。 杜鹏 ...
A drug developed by Sanofi raised platelet counts and reduced bleeding episodes in patients with a rare autoimmune disorder ...
The biotech industry has lagged the broader market so far in 2024. The SPDR S&P Biotech ETF, an industry benchmark, is up 9% ...
立陶宛的研究人员展示了一种新的、更通用的基因编辑CRISPR系统的分子结构。 科学家们公布了著名基因编辑工具CRISPR的新版本,它可以暂时“暂停”一个给定的基因,而不是永久地关闭它。
A research group led by Jacob Corn has just discovered that the use of AZD7648 has serious side effects. The study has just ...
Use precise geolocation data and actively scan device characteristics for identification. This is done to store and access ...
The payment scheme will tie gene therapy payments to improvements in health outcomes—and could potentially boost the uptake ...
It's getting harder these days to find great growth stocks trading for less than $100 a share. It almost seems like a higher ...
The nation has signaled it’s prepared to hit back harder still, in ways that could inflict serious economic pain on its biggest economic rival. A two-hour interview is enough to accurately capture ...
Fmr LLC grew its stake in shares of CRISPR Therapeutics AG (NASDAQ:CRSP – Free Report) by 1.0% during the 3rd quarter, ...