3The Babraham Institute, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
CREKA修饰脂肪间充质干细胞(AMSCs)外泌体 GX1肽修饰负载树状大分子(PAMAM)的金纳米棒(Au NRs) Lamp2b-IL3 修饰负载 siBcr-Abl的HEK293 细胞外泌体 PEG修饰的RGD肽载体包封Bcl-2 siRNA 负载CTGF siRNA的间充质干细胞(MSCs)外泌体 负载HChrR6 mRNA的293细胞外泌体 负载IL-10 mRNA的 ...
Ihn H. Pathogenesis of fibrosis: role of TGF-β and CTGF. Curr Opin Rheumatol ,14(6):681-85, 2002. Steen EH, Wang X, Balaji S, et al. The role of the anti-inflammatory Cytokine Interleukin-10 in ...
罗沙司他不仅由珐博进的中国研究团队完成研发,接着就在 2018 年 12 月以「国产 1.1 类新药」身份获批, 成了跨国药企首个中国全球首发新药,也是全球首个在中国获批的首创(first-in-class)药物 [2] 。
Results Treatment with pomalidomide in doses from 0.3 to 30 mg/kd/day prevented skin fibrosis in Tsk-1 mice and in bleomycin-induced dermal fibrosis in a dose-dependent manner and reduced the ...
2月20日,阿斯利康(AstraZeneca)宣布与珐博进(FibroGen)达成协议,企业将收购珐博进中国,对价约1.6亿美元。根据协议,珐博进将获得8500万美元的企业价值,以及交易交割时珐博进中国持有的约7500万美元现金,总计约1.6亿美元, ...
Devonian Health Group Inc. ("Devonian" or the "Company") (TSXV: GSD; OTCQB: DVHGF), a clinical stage corporation focused on ...
2月20日,阿斯利康宣布,与珐博进达成协议,将以约1.6亿美元收购珐博进中国。完成交割后,阿斯利康将获得罗沙司他在中国的所有权利,珐博进保留其在美国及未授权给安斯泰来的市场对罗沙司他的权利。阿斯利康瞄准了罗沙司他在中国的所有权利,以充实其在中国的现有 ...
Growth stocks are made up of companies that are set to grow their earnings and revenue by an abundant amount compared to the rest of the market, which also has an impact on the price of each ...
These include inhibitory (%) effects on inflammatory-related genes and fibrosis-related genes namely: Act2: up to 57%, TGFβ : up to 49.3 % (p<0.05), Ctgf: up to 44.2%, Ccl2: up to 77.28% (p<0.005 ...